Calendula Apothecary
Hello... Welcome to the Calendula Apothecary. We sell materia medica... You know, like elixers and herbs? So basically we have cures to everything that ails the residents of Marigold Town. You can have some too, I guess... Are you sick? Your humours feeling unbalanced or something? Umm okay, why don't you take a look around... Potions and salves are on the shelf behind me, and there's an herb garden out back, but it's off limits to visitors until we get it cleaned up a bit."
Golde is bitter in savour
Fayr and zelw is his flowur
Ye golde flour is good to sene
It makyth ye syth bryth and clene
Wyscely to lokyn on his flowres
Drawyth owt of ye heed wikked hirores...
Loke wyscely on golde erly at morwe
Yat day fro feures it schall ye borwe:
Ye odour of ye golde is good to smelle.
From the herbal of Macer
Potion pixel shoppe
Why don't you give one of our fine potions a try? At the moment, we have Ouroboros, a potion that will break any curses that may have befallen you, and Sangine rosa, a sweet elixer that will make you sure to find true love. If these don't sound particularly appealing, come back very soon! And bring a big bag of coins... Ahem! I assure you the alchemist is hard at work on new and wonderful concoctions.
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- All the text referring to these being "sold" is just for fun. They're free for you to use!
- You may use them for non-commercial projects only.
- Do not claim them as your own; include credit with a link back to this site.
- Please upload them to your own site or file host. (No hotlinking!)

Aurora consurgens
15th century

Thesaurus thesaurorum
c. 1725